• Phone : 080 - 65650182
  • Email :info@infogridtechnologies.com

Our Difference

INFO GRID is a software developer enterprise.

The INFO GRID Difference


Many customers choose INFO GRID because of frequent call escalations and delays in query resolutions. A primary culprit for this was in dealing with junior personnel who lack the required depth of domain knowledge. INFO GRID insists that all support consultants have at least 7 years hands-on technologies experience across all verticals – meaning you get the right advice, on time, every time.

The knowledge of the consultants we interact with is exceeding our expectations – the entire team really has been absolutely exceptional – Toromont, CANADA


Expertise aside, staff turnover in some ERP practices is a big issue. At INFO GRID, we look for longevity in our consultant’s career history, and we create an environment that helps attract – and retain – some of the most talented consultants in the business.

Perennial INFOGRID’s staff turnover has been very low, affording us continuity and familiarity… and the consultants’ experience in their field is first rate. - AMD

A Business Partnership.

Our customers told us that previous service providers operated “behind closed doors”. “Kept at arm’s length” and “unwilling to share knowledge” were a common cause for complaint. At INFO GRID, we operate openly and transparently across everything we do – meaning you get a business partner that will work with you, side-by-side, across all aspects of service delivery.

We greatly appreciate the efforts of the INFO GRID team in ensuring a timely and efficient implementation. They have truly partnered with us on this project and left no stone unturned to make this a success.- Global Foundries

Predictable Pricing.

With the economy in a state of flux you need predictable, visible and accessible flat-rate pricing to ensure a good return on INVESTMENT. At INFO GRID, a published pricing structure is in force – giving you a straightforward and transparent way to ensure that your projects can yield a good return your business.

There were some projects we placed on the backburner – simply because the fees charged by our previous supplier meant that the cost to benefit ratio didn’t justify the outlay. With Perennial INFOGRID’s cost structure, the payback of these projects will be much improved.- BOA

Flexible Services.

One size does not fit all when it comes to ERP, Project management and Mobility services and solutions. Many of our customers found themselves constrained by unnecessary processes that were simply not designed to take into account their unique nature. At INFO GRID, we tailor services for each individual customer. We use our industry and functional experience as a template – and then build upon this to deliver a service that reflects the true business needs of each customer.

We find INFO GRID to be very proactive in sitting down with the business and its users to really understand how we use SAP – thus making the support they provide highly tailored to our needs. – Client, Semiconductor Industry

Improved User Experience.

INFO GRID works with customers’ ERP users to help them become fully conversant with their ERP system. This simple and often overlooked service delivers enormous benefit – in promoting user acceptance, teamwork, productivity and process compliance.

The Extra Mile.

With INFO GRID, you’ll have a partner that pays attention to the smaller details. We believe in a straightforward, honest business relationship and demonstrate this by giving all our customers flexible contracts, 24/7 support for all emergencies (regardless of scope of contract), free consulting days and an open invitation to visit our support centers to consult 1-2-1 with their support team.